I, like many other creative types have a stash (overflowing) cupboard of crafty goods. I was always looking for something to fill my need to be creative but never really found something that I wanted to make on a permanent basis.
Whilst trawling through Pinterest one day I came across a growth chart, made from timber and hanging on the wall, no reason to draw on the walls in my newly built house, and I could take those memories with me no matter where life decided to take me. There was only one problem, all the measurements were in feet and inches...
I had worked at a hardware store for several years and learnt a fair bit about all sorts of DIY things so I knew exactly how to make it, all I needed was the materials, some help from my husband with the powertools and a design, before I knew it I had made my first ever growth chart. There was of course some trial and error but once it was done I knew I had created something special and felt there would be many other mum's and dad's who would love one for their own home too.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my shop and read a little bit about me, I'd love to create something special for your family.